May 19, 2020

The mind-body connection: what your body is telling you about your emotions. A conversation with Briana Leach, LPC

The mind-body connection: what your body is telling you about your emotions. A conversation with Briana Leach, LPC

Today's guest, Briana Leach, LPC, discusses the importance of preventative mental health (just like when we take our children for their well child checkups), normalizing the experience, and the importance of asking “but why?”

In today's episode we discuss:

  • The mind-body connection and honoring our mental health as much as the physical to honor our temple.
  • Why you should think about seeing a counselor like seeing your primary care physician.
  • What to expect the first time you visit a counselor.
  • Preventative vs. reparative counseling.
  • The importance of normalizing counseling.
  • Thanking the body for communicating with you.
  • “But why?”
  • How our food and moving affects our mental health.
  • Meeting two needs when you sit down as a family to eat a meal

Connect with Briana:
Grace In Progress podcast​
Instagram: @brianaleachlpc

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