April 27, 2021

Why your workouts should be different when you're stressed

Why your workouts should be different when you're stressed

Stress. As this episode releases near the end of the pandemic, I'm pretty confident in saying we've all experienced it. The last year has held various forms and intensities of stress. But let's be honest...we experienced stress before COVID, and we will continue to when we are in our new normal (whatever that is).

Have you considered that your stress level should impact your workout? Whether you're walking through an enormously stressful event or simply had a terrible night's sleep, you need to take this into consideration with regard to your movement.

In today's solo episode I dig into this. I discuss:
- How some stress is actually beneficial to our workouts
- The physiological impact of stress
- How that impacts your exercise
- How to manage it from a workout perspective

Links mentioned:
Graced Health Podcast episode: How to slow the aging process with exercise with Pete McCall

Articles sourced:
How exercise can slow down aging by Pete McCall
Cortisol Connection: tips on managing stress and weight by Dr. Len Kravitz

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