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Oct. 12, 2024

Jess Tetu’s Journey from Adversity to Award-Winning Entrepreneur and Leader

Jess Tetu’s Journey from Adversity to Award-Winning Entrepreneur and Leader

Welcome back to Hard Beautiful Journey, friends! I’m so excited to share this week’s episode with you because it features someone I admire deeply—Jess Tetu. She’s not only an award-winning entrepreneur and philanthropist but also one of the kindest and most down-to-earth people you’ll ever meet. Seriously, if you need a little inspiration, Jess is your girl!

Jess’s story is all about turning adversity into something beautiful. At just 15, she found herself homeless, navigating a life that would break most of us. But Jess didn’t just survive—she thrived. Today, she owns multiple successful businesses, leads with compassion, and is on a mission to help others use their voice. In this episode, we dive into how sharing her story has been a key part of her healing and success. Trust me, her wisdom and kindness will leave you feeling like you just had a warm cup of tea with a lifelong friend.

Homeless at 15: How Jess’s Journey Began

Let’s start with Jess’s early years—because, wow. Imagine being 15 years old and finding yourself without a home. I’m not sure what I was doing at 15 (probably obsessing over my terrible hair choices), but Jess was out there figuring out how to survive. Not only did she survive, but she also managed to turn that experience into one of the reasons she’s so driven today. Talk about resilience!

Jess opened up about the fear and uncertainty she faced during those tough years, and how those experiences shaped her entire outlook on life. Instead of letting them define her, she used them to fuel her dreams and ambitions. She often says that she’s not successful despite her struggles, but because of them. And honestly, that’s something we could all learn from.

💬 “I’m not successful despite my struggles. I’m successful because of them.” — Jess Tetu

You’ll hear in the episode how Jess took that difficult time in her life and built something truly amazing from it. She’s proof that when life hands you lemons, you don’t just make lemonade—you build an entire lemonade empire!

The First Time Jess Shared Her Story: Cue the Goosebumps

If you’ve ever felt like your story isn’t worth sharing, Jess is here to remind you that it absolutely is. She admits that for a long time, she didn’t think anyone would care about her journey. (Jess! Can you believe it?!) But then, she was invited to speak at a high school, and her whole world changed.

Standing in front of a bunch of teenagers (probably one of the scariest things ever, am I right?), Jess shared her story for the first time. She was raw, real, and completely vulnerable. And the response? Life-changing. Students came up to her, thanking her for sharing and telling her that her words gave them hope. One student even said it was the first time she realized her current situation wasn’t forever. Cue all the feels.

💬 “If my story can help even one person, it’s worth sharing.”

That moment was a turning point for Jess, and it solidified her belief in the power of using your voice. It’s easy to forget how much our stories can impact others, but as Jess shows us, sometimes the things we’re most afraid to share are exactly what someone else needs to hear.

From Homelessness to Business Mogul: Jess’s Entrepreneurial Journey

Now, let’s talk about the badass business side of Jess. Today, she’s the owner of Just For You Day Spas across Saskatchewan and Alberta, the beauty brand Leah Reese Canada, Iconic Betty Jewelry, and Jess Tetu Consulting. Oh, and she also founded 471 Recovery Resources, a nonprofit helping those affected by addiction. I know, it’s a lot to take in, right?

But Jess isn’t just about making a name for herself—everything she does is connected to giving back. Whether it’s empowering women through beauty, providing resources for people dealing with addiction, or creating wellness products, Jess’s heart is at the center of her business ventures.

During the episode, Jess shared some of the challenges she’s faced in business—like when a trusted team member stole from her. (Yeah, we went there.) It wasn’t easy, and it certainly tested her trust in people, but Jess used that experience to learn and grow. She kept leading with kindness, even when it wasn’t easy. And guess what? That’s exactly why her team is so loyal and her businesses are thriving.

Embracing Vulnerability: The Superpower We All Need

Vulnerability. It’s a word that makes most of us squirm, right? But Jess is here to tell us it’s our superpower. For a long time, she was afraid to talk about the hard stuff—who isn’t? But once she started embracing her vulnerability, everything changed.

Jess’s secret? She’s learned that vulnerability doesn’t just connect us with others, it actually strengthens us. The more she shared, the more she realized that her story had the power to help others. And, in turn, it helped heal parts of herself.

💬 “The judgment of others is what keeps people quiet. But if I can help one person by sharing my story, then it’s all worth it.”

Jess also gets real about fear—something we all know too well. She admits that even after years of public speaking, she still feels a little freaked out before she takes the stage. But she doesn’t let it stop her. Instead, she pushes through the fear, and it’s made her one of the most impactful speakers I’ve ever had the pleasure of listening to.

Practical Tips for Sharing Your Story (Without Freaking Out)

Feeling inspired to start sharing your story but not sure where to begin? Jess has some great advice for anyone feeling hesitant. First, start small. You don’t have to dive in headfirst—just dip your toe in the water. Whether it’s opening up to a friend or journaling your thoughts, the first step is always the hardest.

Jess also talked about the importance of surrounding yourself with people who get it. Finding a community that supports you makes all the difference. (And if you’re reading this, guess what? You’ve already got one right here!)

Gratitude: What Jess is Most Thankful For

We wrapped up the episode by talking about gratitude—because you know I love to end things on a positive note. I asked Jess what she’s most grateful for, and without missing a beat, she said her family. Her husband and kids have been her biggest supporters, and she’s so thankful for their constant love and encouragement. Jess also gave a shout-out to her incredible team, who help bring her business dreams to life.

For all of us, this is a beautiful reminder to stop and appreciate the people in our lives who lift us up. No matter where you are on your journey, there’s always something to be grateful for. 💖

This episode is full of laughs, heartfelt moments, and some serious inspiration. If you’ve ever doubted your own strength or wondered if your story matters, trust me—this conversation with Jess is exactly what you need. You’ll walk away feeling empowered, ready to face your fears, and (hopefully) inspired to share your story too.

Listen to the full episode here.
Connect with Jess:
Instagram: @jesstetu
Website: https://www.jesstetu.com