The Sauchie Poltergeist case, one of Scotland's most notorious paranormal events, unfolded in 1960 in the small village of Sauchie. The case centred around 11-year-old Virginia Campbell, who experienced strange occurrences in...
Andy was a self employed electrician, who had always dreamed of being an actor. He took the first step towards that dream when he joined Real People casting in 2015 and managed to get some great featured roles. When the …
Mary King's Close is a historic area located under buildings on the Royal Mile, in the historic Old Town section of Edinburgh, Scotland. It took its name from one Mary King, a merchant burgess who resided on the Close in …
A variety of ghosts are to be found in the houses, castle, inns, moors, lochs and ruins of Haunted Scotland. Scotland has always been a divided nation and its history is spattered with the blood of countless conflicts. Vestig...