Penny Griffiths Morgan

Penny Griffiths Morgan Profile Photo

Penny has had an interest in all things unusual from a young age after experiencing seeing a light anomaly in an old barn in the village that she grew up in. Her love of history has led her to visit as many museums, old buildings and ruins as humanly possible and fast forward some years and she was given the chance to embrace both her loves by both producing and presenting the Haunted Histories podcast.

She has been featured in a national newspaper, been interviewed on radio, tv and other podcasts, is a regular historian on “Help! My House is Haunted” , a guest on the recent “A history of the paranormal” documentary, a regular speaker at paranormal events around the UK and is also a feature writer for Haunted magazine. If that was not enough, she is a published author, her five current books are available via Amazon, and a sixth is on the way.

Somehow she also finds time to be a wife, mum of two boys (three if you include her dog) , lift weights at that gym and is learning to play the drums! – it’s true what they say, if you want something doing, give it to a busy person.

Aug. 2, 2024

Haunted Histories: Tales From England's Past With Penny Griffiths-Mor…

In today’s podcast we explore the eerie tales of Epping Forest, the spectral whispers of Bosworth Hall, and the ghostly apparitions of the British Schools Museum with special guest, Penny Griffiths-Morgan, renowned author, pa...

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