Ruth Roper Wylde

Ruth Roper Wylde Profile Photo

Author, Paranormal Researcher

Ruth is a partially retired Civil Servant, living in Bedfordshire, UK with her husband and dog. Much of her career was spent as an investigator – firstly in Fraud/Theft and later in Bullying/Harassment/Discrimination claims.
She has a lifelong fascination with the supernatural and unexplained, stemming from formative years spent living in a house with an active poltergeist in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. As a hobby therefore over the years, she researched for endless hours on the subject with the idea of eventually writing a book.
She brings a healthy dose of scepticism and desire for scientific explanation to her research and writing, which was instilled by her ever pragmatic mother: who when presented with an inexplicably flying knife in the kitchen, calmly took out a tape measure and measured the length of its flight path.
Seven years ago, when the opportunity to take partial early retirement presented itself, Ruth decided to make her idea of writing a book into reality, and has since published eight books as an independent author:
“The Ghosts of Marston Vale”,
“The Almanac of British Ghosts”,
“These Haunted Times: Volumes One, Two, Three and Four
“The Roadmap of British Ghosts: Volumes One and Two”.
She is currently writing book 9….which will be These Haunted Times Volume Five - America.

Aug. 30, 2024

Spectral Highwaymen: Ghosts of the Open Road

In this episode, we delve into the shadowy world of highwaymen, notorious outlaws who once ruled the roads, robbing travellers under the cover of night. But what happens when their violent deeds echo through time? Join us as ...

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