Tony Hayes

Tony Hayes Profile Photo

Paranormal Investigator

Tony grew up in Cheshire, England. After graduating in Science and Physics with Chemical giants ICI, he left the security of this large company and moved into Government Service and later the Police Service. He has investigated reports of spontaneous paranormal activity since 1989 and is a member of the SPR and ASSAP. He is the Case Manager and Lead Investigator for Paranormal Investigation UK operating a small team of psychical researchers. He is currently jointly working with the SPR investigating a high end live poltergeist case in Essex including the apports of over 460 coins into the property.
Tony is a life ling guitarist. He is also the Secretary of the 22nd (Riders) of the Cheshire Regiment and is also a volunteer for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, and when time allows, continues recording music.

April 5, 2024

Exploring The Mysteries Of Near Death And Beyond With Tony Hayes

In this episode, we embark on an exploration of real-life accounts and compelling anecdotes that offer profound insights into the realms beyond our physical existence. From individuals who have brushed with death and returned...

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March 1, 2024

Spectral Soundwaves: Tony Hayes on EVP and Paranormal Investigations

Today, we delve deep into the realms of audio phenomena and Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP), intertwined with a discussion around poltergeist phenomena. Joining me on the podcast is Tony Hayes, a seasoned investigator on the...

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