William C. Grave

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William’s Mum was diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer 5 years ago, feeling pretty helpless William spent the first 2 years doing sponsored dog walks and managed to raise just under £3000 for local cancer charities. After suffering an injury to his knee and having to undergo surgery, Will was asked by an old housemate if any spooky goings on had happened recently in his home. He proceeded to tell a ghostly tale before having a lightbulb moment to try his hand writing down the many true ghostly tales which have occurred at number 333 over the past 18 years. Having never written before and working full time as an area manager in the motor trade, the now self published best selling paranormal book took 3 years to complete. All the proceeds go to a local cancer charity who helped his mother through the mental battle of her diagnosis and treatment. The book 'The Lady in the Bay Window - A true story of a Sheffield haunted home' has now raised a staggering £29500 in the first 7 months since release and sold over 7500 copies worldwide.

July 19, 2024

The Lady In The Bay Window: A True Story Of A Haunted Sheffield Home

In today's episode we delve into "The Lady in the Bay Window," a true ghostly tale by William, who turned his experiences into a bestselling book. After his mum's cancer diagnosis, William channelled his energy into writing, ...

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