
Haunted History Chronicles is a weekly podcast discussing the history and paranormal activity linked to amazing locations all around the world.

Firstly, I wanted to say thank you for listening and giving the stories and history I share on my podcast a place to be.

Thank you for sharing the same passion that I do and helping Haunted History Chronicles grow by: listening, following, sharing, engaging and doing all that you do to help support the channel to help it continue.

I truly want this place to be a community coming together around these shared interests.

Whilst it is growing which is fantastic what is less so are some of the associated fees for hosting a healthy Podcast, handling the technical side of things to continue to meet expectations but also continue to improve quality. The podcast is ENTIRELY independent- I don't have producers, writers, editors, marketers or any of the other associated jobs that medium to large podcasts often invest in. The team is literally ME and YOU. Whilst that is a win- it can mean that it can get expensive. If you can help support this podcast and dream I have for the future then there are a couple of ways that you can help enormously.

One simple and easy way to support the podcast as and when you wish is by taking a look at the Haunted History Chronicles Wishlist over on Amazon. Each item you purchase comes directly to me and is used specifically for the podcast development and content be it for interviews, research, writing and creating episodes. If that is a way you can support the podcast every now and again it is very much appreciated. The link is here Podcast Amazon Wishlist

I also use Patreon which allows you to make a recurring donation from as little as £1 in exchange for additional content, podcasts, merchandise and writing. If you wish to support the podcast in that way then click on the Patreon link below to consider becoming a member and in the process gain access to lots of other features. 

Thank you.