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Oct. 9, 2024

How to Coach Teachers and School Leaders as an External Consultant (Gene Tavernetti)

How to Coach Teachers and School Leaders as an External Consultant (Gene Tavernetti)

There are times when school systems need to rely on external support to improve instruction and student outcomes.

While external consultants often bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in what works in schools, it can be difficult to gain the trust of educators in that many educators are suspicious when it comes to coaches/consultants having a school's best interests at heart.

In this episode, my guest Gene Tavernetti - Founder/CEO of TESS Consulting Group - and I discuss how coaches/consultants can improve instruction through quick turnaround coaching cycles while also treating educators with professional respect.

We also discuss strategies for coaching administrators and instructional coaches and how this is similar and disimilar to coaching teachers one-on-one.

Music - Aylex

Gene Tavernetti LinkedIn Page

Maximizing the Impact of Coaching Cycles Book

TESS Consulting Group