I dug back into my archives and found a recording from 3 YEARS AGO, where I asked a youth pastor and former Bible college student, “What are the negative aspects of Bible college? What would you warn young people about?” Guys, it is SO GOOD. Everything in this episode not only applies to Bible college students, but also anyone who is or has been in a spiritual greenhouse. A spiritual greenhouse is an environment designed to train you to grow in your relationship with God. This could be a training program, your church, an internship, seminary, Bible college, a Christian college, etc. PG warns young people against missing the season, getting roped into theology debates, and becoming spiritually fat. I wish every young adult could listen to this because I’ve personally seen every single thing he mentions. Sure, you could be popular in college. You could win every theology debate. You could receive 1,000 prophetic words…but what fruit is your life producing? College is a special time, but I pray those are not the best days of your life. Your best days are ahead of you AS LONG AS YOU APPLY WHAT YOU HAVE STUDIED, LEARNED, AND RECEIVED.