Are you where you thought you'd be at this point in your life? Do you ever fear that you are unworthy of receiving good gifts from God? Carissa Krey shares her story of miscarriage, and has been in a waiting season for 5 yea…
Do you know what's next for you? Do you wrestle with feeling unsure if you're discerning God's voice or leading correctly? Do you suffer from analysis paralysis? In a world where you could do anything, it can be difficult to…
How can you maintain a healthy body image when your body goes through some changes? How do you stop comparing yourself to how you looked before? How can you start to feel at home in your own body? Our culture is starting to …
We recognize emotions are given to us by God, but can we trust them?
In certain denominations, you may hear that emotions are untrustworthy and will always lead you astray. In others, you may see emotions as evidence that Go…
Do you feel like the verse to "pray without ceasing" is unattainable? Or just sounds exhausting? Do you fear God is disappointed in the cobwebs in your prayer closet? Or maybe you feel a lack of faith when you pray? Erica Re…
Want to unlock all the episodes? Become a subscriber here: This solo episode is one of my personal favorites because I share my testimony of how the Lord taught me to discern and brea…
Since masturbation is not directly mentioned in the Bible, is it sin or not? What if you're able to masturbate without lusting? Ashlyn R. Watkins, the host of Spiced Wife Podcast, joined me to discuss this topic. It would be…
Want to learn how to create your own stewardship map? You can become a subscriber and get access to every locked episode here:
Do you ever wonder if what you do matters?
In this solo…
Is it possible to truly not care what other people think of you? How do you overcome shame if you’ve lived with it your whole life? Victoria Hedger is on the show for a 2nd time & we talked about something pretty much everyo…
There are so many questions about gender and sexuality demanding answers in our culture today. Does the Bible affirm same-sex marriages or not? What do you do if you're just not attracted to the opposite gender? Who do you t…
I answered all the questions I received from listeners, so this is quite a fun episode! While I fight through jet lag, I talked about what motivates me, my quiet time routine, my favorite plants, celebrity crushes, defining …
Is pornography really every man's battle? Should you be dating in the midst of struggling with a pornography addiction? How do you support a friend who is trying to recover from this addiction? What are the differences betwe…
Have you ever felt stuck in anger? Like you just couldn't work through it? Do you snap over little irritations or build resentment in your heart without processing why? This can happen to all of us, but if it is left unresol…
Did you know the majority of trafficking victims are in the LGBTQ+ community or people of color? Many people say they want to help fight against the injustice of human trafficking, but when they realize what victims look lik…
Can women be pastors? Can a Christian be pro-choice? Is social media discipling you more than Jesus Himself? Can there be actual unity in the church? Joseph & I told the story of how we ended up agreeing on a church together…
Every one of us grew up somewhere on the spectrum in regards to how we think about our sexuality. Did you feel shame about it? Did you feel like it was always in the driver’s seat of your life? It is not God’s will for you t…
What do you do if you don’t like what you see in the mirror? How can you have a positive body image when you’ve never had one before? Anna Deloach shared her journey of how the Lord helped her overcome eating disorders, addi…
Putting yourself out there can feel vulnerable & nerve-racking. Sometimes, we can be overwhelmed in wondering where to even start when trying to date. Bethany & Ken Freire shared their experience and advise of taking the pre…
Abusive romantic relationships are unfortunately too common in our world & the worst part is, abuse could be hiding in plain sight without anyone noticing. Shyann shared her testimony of getting out of abusive relationships,…
Do you ever feel hesitant to enjoy singleness because you’re afraid God will decide to keep you single? Do you worry you’re doing something wrong to keep yourself single without knowing? Are you just tired of being the singl…
Kate Berkey is an author & missionary who has experienced how exercising the muscle of courage can drastically change your life. Fear is universal & no one is exempt from feeling it, but everyone has a choice in what to do w…
I’ve come to the conclusion that success is not worth it if Jesus is not the One defining it. Do you ever feel discontent with where your life is at? Do you have a number in your head that you think will satisfy you once you…
For being as important as we claim it to be, missions done wrong can leave a lot of harm in its aftermath. Who is a short term mission trip really for? Is it for the benefit of those overseas or a glorified vacation? Is it m…
Do you ever fear being completely honest with God about your desires? Do good things entering your life cause you to become anxious? I recorded a SOLO episode & told my story of starting to date my now husband & how such a g…