How can you maintain a healthy body image when your body goes through some changes?
How do you stop comparing yourself to how you looked before?
How can you start to feel at home in your own body?
Our culture is starting to step away from advertising only one type of body, but it also sends out the message that "You're perfect. Love yourself!" Without fail, though, this ideology doesn't withstand the difficult circumstances or life's seasons when our bodies confirm to us that we live in a fallen world. We cannot even begin to appreciate our bodies without God's perspective of us first.
Rebekah Olson is a wife, mother & lingerie designer who is dedicated to encouraging women to ditch the comparison game. She owns Ginger & Peach Lingerie, which is a model-free lingerie company, so that you only ever see the pieces on yourself. She teaches us how to see our bodies as the Lord sees them, that they are wonderfully made, and that they are God's gift to us. All of life's changes will inevitably take a toll on our outward appearance, but God doe snot want us to see ourselves with disgust or discontentment.
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