Putting yourself out there can feel vulnerable & nerve-racking. Sometimes, we can be overwhelmed in wondering where to even start when trying to date. Bethany & Ken Freire shared their experience and advise of taking the pressure off of dating so that you can meet great people & it can actually be fun! They answered so many common questions that come up like, “Where are all the good, Christian men? How do you know you’re ready to date? How do you grow more comfortable in dating? Is it okay to date multiple people at the same time?” And they also answered the more specific questions sent in by listeners like “When do you talk about physical boundaries in a relationship? How do you involve community in a relationship in a healthy way? Is it okay to date someone you don’t think you’ll marry?” Their message is so encouraging that there is nothing disqualifying you from meeting someone great. There is always risk involved, but the risk is worth it! --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app