Aug. 23, 2024

S5E16: Is It a Sin To Not Have Kids?

S5E16: Is It a Sin To Not Have Kids?

In this solo episode, I share the story of how God convicted me of the sin I had chosen to live in for 2 years.

Romans 14:23 says, "Whatever is not done in faith is sin."

There are SO MANY reasons you could choose to not become a parent, but some of the most popular are

"We can't afford it."

"Why would I bring a child into this evil, broken world?"

"I won't have any time for myself or my marriage."

"What if ____(fill in the blank)_____?"

My goal with this episode is not to convince you to have kids. I simply want to help you discern what God has for you. The main question I will help you tackle is:

"How can I stop letting fear be my master in the decision to have/not have kids?"


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