June 23, 2023

TOP #1: Same-Sex Attraction Meets The Gospel: How To Respond, Love & Care For The LGBTQ+ Community ft. Laurie Kreig

TOP #1: Same-Sex Attraction Meets The Gospel: How To Respond, Love & Care For The LGBTQ+ Community ft. Laurie Kreig
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Head to Heart
There are so many questions about gender and sexuality demanding answers in our culture today. Does the Bible affirm same-sex marriages or not? What do you do if you're just not attracted to the opposite gender? Who do you talk to about your same-sex attraction? What should you say when your sibling comes out? How should the church respond to the LGBTQ+ community? Laurie Krieg is an author, speaker, and host of Hole In My Heart podcast whose mission is to train the church with a Gospel-centered approach to gender and sexuality. She shares her story of experiencing same-sex attraction from a young age, yet feeling unsafe to talk about it in any church setting. After graduating from a Christian university, her life was interrupted when she encountered God's love.  In this episode, Laurie explains: - how God designed the mystery of marriage to be - how to be a safe person - why we should not compare our different brands of sexual brokenness - the advise she would give her 22 year-old self & anyone else who is struggling with same-sex attraction - that God loves LGBTQ+ people just the way they are Resources: Website - https://lauriekrieg.com/ An Impossible Marriage by Matt and Laurie Krieg - https://www.amazon.com/Impossible-Marriage-Mixed-Orientation-Taught-Gospel/dp/0830847936/ref=sr_1_1?crid=32EIQ3FAD5SYH&keywords=impossible+marriage+krieg&qid=1641316967&sprefix=impossible+marriage+krieg%2Caps%2C87&sr=8-1 The Center for Faith, Gender, and Sexuality with Preston Sprinkle - https://ondemand.centerforfaith.com/ Hole In My Heart Podcast - https://open.spotify.com/show/7lanhpj9eRbEoVpt13G7dI