May 26, 2023

TOP #3: Is Masturbation a Sin? Answers For Singles & Marrieds ft. Ashlyn R. Watkins

TOP #3: Is Masturbation a Sin? Answers For Singles & Marrieds ft. Ashlyn R. Watkins
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Head to Heart

Since masturbation is not directly mentioned in the Bible, is it sin or not?

What if you're able to masturbate without lusting? 

Ashlyn R. Watkins, the host of Spiced Wife Podcast, joined me to discuss this topic. It would be so much easier if this was just a simple yes or no, but it's actually a lot more complex than that. The Word does not directly mention masturbation, but it does give us a roadmap for how to evaluate our own hearts and James 1:5 tells us that if we lack wisdom, we can ask God and He will give it to us. Ashlyn walked us through questions like:

- Is masturbation wrong if I'm single?

- Is masturbation wrong if I'm married & I have my spouse's consent?

- how do I get out of the habit/addiction to masturbation?

All of our discussion was rooted in the Word, not just in our own opinions and experiences.

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