May 26, 2019

#13 - Organic Food, Laundry Detergent Product Review & Guest Dr. Steven Lin | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

#13 - Organic Food, Laundry Detergent Product Review & Guest Dr. Steven Lin | Heal Thy Self w/ Dr. G

Functional dentist Steven Lin (@drstevenlin) blows us away with the way he ties in oral health and breathing to overall health and healing. We learn about why we are having so many issues with our health and how to address it. He also surprises us by tying in consciousness and health with the world around us and how it can elevate healing. Excellent and actionable information. A show based on empowerment. Empowerment of you, the viewer such that you can be your highest self on every level. Through knowledge, we will be giving you the information you need to make informed decisions. We lead you to water, you deep dive in. Hosted by Doctor Christian Gonzalez N.D. Follow Doctor G on Instagram @doctor.g_ Be sure to like and subscribe

Functional dentist Steven Lin (@drstevenlin) blows us away with the way he ties in oral health and breathing to overall health and healing. We learn about why we are having so many issues with our health and how to address it. He also surprises us by tying in consciousness and health with the world around us and how it can elevate healing. Excellent and actionable information.

A show based on empowerment. Empowerment of you, the viewer such that you can be your highest self on every level. Through knowledge, we will be giving you the information you need to make informed decisions. We lead you to water, you deep dive in.

Hosted by Doctor Christian Gonzalez N.D. Follow Doctor G on Instagram @doctor.g_ Be sure to like and subscribe

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