Special Guest Segment:
Maryn Azoff, long-time singer, musician, Spirit lifter, Soul emancipator, fear crusher, and creator of the Vocal Transformation Method, joins our show to break down the history and significance of using our voice as a sound-based healing method by vibrating areas of the body to access stored emotion.
- How does the voice connect to healing
- Does the use of language limit our voice
- Accessing emotions within the body using our voice
- How we have become disconnected from our physical emotions
- How the ego disconnects us from our emotional body
- Integrating the ego to make it work for our betterment
- What is the role of voice in enlightenment and healing
- Using your voice to clear our emotional blockages
- How ego prevents true healing
- Using the vibration of your voice as a sound-healing tool
- Opening the solar plexus with breath and voice to connect the 3 brains
- How diminished ego appears outwardly
- How inflated ego appears outwardly
- How confidence/ healthy ego appears outwardly
- How the breath and the voice open the body’s intelligence
- Using the voice and vocal chords as a portal
- How deep energetic connection during sex can heal emotional blockages
- What is the vocal transformation method?
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Hosted by Doctor Christian Gonzalez N.D.
Follow Doctor G on Instagram @doctor.gonzalez