Knowledge Bomb: New study shows no amount of alcohol is safe. Dr. G also poses the question why we drink and if it serves us.
Special Guest Interview: Atarah Valentine joins the show to talk about creating more mindfulness in our lives and reducing stress. Additionally, he emphasizes how we can create space from our subconscious thought patterns to create new experiences that better serve our mental and emotional health. Atarah gives us easy and quick daily practices we can start implementing today.
Guest Bio: Atarah Valentine is a neural manifestation coach and hypnotherapist within the leading manifestation brand To Be Magnetic. He is a certified specialist in Inner Child Healing, Mental and Emotional Release Therapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, PTSD, Immune Disorders, and weight loss. Through his own personal healing journey Atarah has developed a very grounded, practical approach to healing leaving his clients feeling empowered and regaining trust in themselves.
Valentine’s primary focus is self worth and reclaiming authenticity through hypnosis, mental rehearsal, and cognitive disruption. Atarah has created workshops around shadow work, relationships, trauma recovery, and personal growth. Most recently he created the To Be Magnetic portal “The Extra Layers” which provides free tools for comfort, healing, and growth using hypnosis and mental rehearsal to build worth from the inside out by accessing the subconscious in a gentle, but effective approach.
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Hosted by Doctor Christian Gonzalez N.D.
Follow Doctor G on Instagram @dr.christian.gonzalez (