During the second half of Tony's captivating conversation with successful writer-producer-director Kenneth Johnson, they discuss various aspects of his iconic work, “ V: The Miniseries .” Kenny shares insights into how he con...
In the latest episode of Hollywood Obsessed , host Tony Miros speaks to Kenneth Johnson, the successful writer-producer-director who created many Emmy Award Winning shows including The Bionic Woman , The Incredible Hulk , V :...
During the second half of Tony's fascinating conversation with award-nominated Broadway, TV and film star Adrienne Barbeau , they discuss a variety of topics including her memories of working with Norman Lear on “ Maude ”, he...
On the latest episode of Hollywood Obsessed, host Tony Miros interviews TV, Film and Broadway star ADRIENNE BARBEAU who is best known for her starring roles in the classic TV sitcom “ Maude” and iconic Sci-Fi, horror and come...
During the second half of Tony's eye-opening conversation with award-winning author, screenwriter, and director Nicholas Meyer, they discuss how the blockbuster film “ Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan” came to his life, how he...
On the latest episode of Hollywood Obsessed, host Tony Miros interviews award-winning author, screenwriter, and director Nicholas Meyer – best known for directing “ Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan” and “ Star Trek VI: The Und...
During the second part of Tony’s conversation with actor and podcaster Garrett Wang, they discuss how he felt when he saw Star Trek alumni Michelle Yeoh win the Oscar last year, his thoughts on being named one of People Magaz...
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed , host Tony Miros speaks with podcast host and actor GARRETT WANG who is best known for playing Ensign Harry Kim on the classic Sci-Fi TV series "Star Trek: Voyager". During their fascina...
During the second part of Tony Miros’ captivating interview with actor – John Glover , they discuss his contribution of bringing LGBTQ+ stories to the attention of TV audiences with roles like his Emmy-nominated performance i...
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed , host Tony Miros has an insightful chat with Tony Award winner & Emmy Nominated actor – John Glover -- who is best known for his villainous roles in TV and film, including the …
During the second part of his conversation with “ ET The Extra-Terrestrial” star Dee Wallace, host Tony Miros gets the scoop about what it was like on the set of the Stephen King horror classic “Cujo,” her experience working ...
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed, host Tony Miros chats with actress Dee Wallace about leaving her hometown in Kansas and moving to NYC to start her career in acting, auditioning at HB Studio to study with legendary acti...