During the second half of Tony's captivating conversation with successful writer-producer-director Kenneth Johnson, they discuss various aspects of his iconic work, “ V: The Miniseries .” Kenny shares insights into how he con...
In the latest episode of Hollywood Obsessed , host Tony Miros speaks to Kenneth Johnson, the successful writer-producer-director who created many Emmy Award Winning shows including The Bionic Woman , The Incredible Hulk , V :...
During the second half of Tony's eye-opening conversation with award-winning author, screenwriter, and director Nicholas Meyer, they discuss how the blockbuster film “ Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan” came to his life, how he...
On the latest episode of Hollywood Obsessed, host Tony Miros interviews award-winning author, screenwriter, and director Nicholas Meyer – best known for directing “ Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan” and “ Star Trek VI: The Und...
During the second half of Tony’s fascinating conversation with celebrated screenwriter Stan Zimmerman, they discuss why it was difficult for him and the entire writing staff of the classic hit sitcom " Roseanne " to work on ...
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed, host Tony Miros speaks with writer, producer, director, and playwright Stan Zimmerman who has written for several classic television series including "The Golden Girls", "Roseanne", and ...
During the second part of his conversation with screenwriter Bennett Yellin, Tony asks him about what it was like working with stars Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels on Dumb and Dumber, the on-set romance between Jim Carrey and La...
On this episode of Hollywood Obsessed, host Tony Miros chats with successful screenwriter Bennett Yellin, whose best known for co-writing one of the funniest comedies of the 1990's Dumb and Dumber! During their funny conversa...