March 21, 2022

76 Alison James - CEO, Sport Spuds: Power to the Potato

76 Alison James - CEO, Sport Spuds: Power to the Potato

A musician and teacher by day and potato pusher by night! This is the story of Alison James, CEO of Sports Spuds. Tired of constantly feeling sick and nauseous during her marathons and races, Alison heeded the advice of a nutritionist and tried boiled...

A musician and teacher by day and potato pusher by night! This is the story of Alison James, CEO of Sports Spuds.

Tired of constantly feeling sick and nauseous during her marathons and races, Alison heeded the advice of a nutritionist and tried boiled potatoes - BAM!! Success! The only problem? They were messy and not portable, especially when you're reaching into your baggie with dirty hands.

For 12 years, Alison and her husband researched, tested, explored and hit dead ends when trying to figure out how to package potatoes. Finally, they found a supplier with the right machine and they just had to hone their recipe. 

Sport Spuds debuted in 2021 and, through some grassroots marketing, is now making quite the impact on the endurance scene. 

This is definitely a story of patience, resilience, and the determination to keep searching for solutions. Now, they have a great product and a loyal audience extolling the power of the potato!


Sport Spuds Website

"I Could Never Do That" Website

Theme Music: Your Love by Atch -License: Creative Commons License - Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)



I Could Never Do That - Instagram