88 Team Adorkable - Trista Mennen and Amy Bush Take the Plunge into the ÖtillÖ Swimrun World Championships

This episode is so much fun! How can it not be when you’re interviewing the partners of “Team Adorkable” — the zany Swimrun duo of Amy Bush and Trista Mennen?! I’ve known Amy for a long time and she’s always doing something epic from 100...
This episode is so much fun! How can it not be when you’re interviewing the partners of “Team Adorkable” — the zany Swimrun duo of Amy Bush and Trista Mennen?!
I’ve known Amy for a long time and she’s always doing something epic from 100 milers, Ironmans, Ultramans, etc…she’s always an inspiration, but recently, I’ve seen her kicking it up and, together with Trista, going off the deep end (pun intended) on this relatively new phenomenon of a sport — Swimrun…and specifically, the ÖtillÖ World Championships in Sweden, which is the notoriously difficult Super Bowl of Swimrun.
Swimrun isn’t just a triathlon without a bike. This is a cross between rock climbing, trail running, open water swimming, orienteering, and adventure racing- swimming from island to island and running through trails, forests, or whatever landscape the race director dreams up. It's not uncommon to have upwards of 40-50 transitions between the two sports.
And, you’re doing this all with your equipment and nutrition with you at all times — buoys, paddles, shoes, goggles, gels, etc. It sounds SO incredibly intimidating, which is where my, "I Could Never" came into play and why I had to get them on this show.
For as frightening as it sounds, these two make it sound SO DANG FUN!!!! My mission was to have them get me from, "I could never," to "maybe I can," and you know what?! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
No doubt, they'll inspire you too!
Episode Resources:
Team Adorkable: https://teamadorkable.blogspot.com/
Ötillö Swimrun: https://otilloswimrun.com/
Odyssey Swimrun: https://www.odysseyswimrun.com/
Ark Sports - Swimrun Gear and Equipment: https://www.arksports.com/collections/swimrun
Envol Swimrun Coaching: https://envolcoaching.net/
The Swimrun Experience Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheSwimRunExperience/
Wild Swimrun Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/wildswimrun?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Swimrun Lake James: https://www.facebook.com/SwimRunLakeJames?mibextid=LQQJ4d
Swimrun Swap Meet: https://www.facebook.com/groups/swimrunswapmeet/
Low Tide Boyz Swimrun podcast: https://lowtideboyz.com/
Show Resources
"I Could Never Do That" Website - https://www.podpage.com/icouldneverdothat/
"I Could Never Do That" Instagram - @icouldneverdothat
Support the Podcast through BuyMeACoffee.com - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/CarrieBarrett
Theme Music: Your Love by Atch -License: Creative Commons License - Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
I Could Never Do That - Instagram