Nov. 7, 2022

86 Raymond "The Noodnick" - Mastering Lucid Living

86 Raymond

Well, if there was ever an “I Could Never,” this one might be it. My guest today, Raymond (@the Noodnick) is a master of what is known as artistic calisthenics - which is basically some crazy combination of pure strength, gymnastics, core work,...

Well, if there was ever an “I Could Never,” this one might be it. My guest today, Raymond (@the Noodnick) is a master of what is known as artistic calisthenics - which is basically some crazy combination of pure strength, gymnastics, core work, and cirque du Soleil all done with the grace of a ballet dancer.

He literally defies gravity and anyone that specializes in something called “The Human Flagpole” is superman in my book. . 

What I dig about Raymond is that he is an open book — both on his training and techniques, but also about his life philosophies. You know when you’re having a wonderful dream and time means nothing? Well, through his training and art form, Raymond wants to, as he says, “Live Lucidly" - when hours feel like minutes because you’re so in the flow of love. 

That’s certainly something we can all aspire to.

He calls himself “The Noodnick” because it’s a play on the Yiddish word for “Boring pest,” but believe me, he's anything but boring. 

The Noodnick's Highlight Reels

Follow Raymond on Instagram @thenoodnick

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Theme Music: Your Love by Atch -License: Creative Commons License - Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)



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Raymond "The Noodnick"

The Art of Calisthenics