Are you trying to level up in life, but don’t know how? I got you, let’s talk about systems of habits and rituals that help you to create a foundation of how you spend your time, and how to be proud of the progress that you’re making it. We’ll do this through a weekly check in system that I personally use with my clients, so here are the different areas that you can begin building awareness and progress around.
SLEEP: Start with creating a foundation of regularity (going to bed/waking up at the same time each day… My personal favorite is SleepCycle to track these trends
Mental Health: Ask yourself these two questions weekly.
Activity (NEAT) - Try beginning with tracking your steps. What’s your baseline, and what is your overall goal? Are you strength training? How can you track this? E.g., closing rings, activity points, etc.
Recovery - Nutrition, hydration, etc. I like to help my clients with balancing their plate and then moving into the next phases.
"Trophy Time" - measuring progress. With the aforementioned areas of progression, how are you taking note of that?
And if you’re someone who needs more of a personal touch with your habits and how to show up better in your business, health, or creative endeavors; click the link below to learn about our brand new “20 Day Cheat Code for Health, Happiness, and Habits!”
Homework Time! If something spoke to you. Do something with it. Take a screenshot of the episode, tag me @deziabeyta, and @imadeitpod tell us about one thing that you could relate to or one message you want to share about this message!
Do you need something more personal, or are you looking for a mentor? Come apply and set up a call so we can answer any questions you may have about what it’s like to have a High-Performance Mentor.
Here’s the link:
Be the High Performer Your Life Needs,