Season 9: When Change Happens – How Top Performers Take Messy Action with Confidence & Grit!!
June 4, 2024

EP 163: Legal Performance Enhancers: The Power of Creatine

EP 163: Legal Performance Enhancers: The Power of Creatine

In this episode, we got our pump on and dive into the world of creatine, exploring its benefits, how it works, and why it’s a staple supplement for both athletes and everyday individuals looking to enhance their physical and mental performance.


• Understanding what creatine is and its role in the body.

• The science behind how creatine enhances physical performance.

• The cognitive benefits of creatine supplementation.

• How to properly use creatine for maximum benefit.

Sound Bites

• “Creatine is not just for bodybuilders; it’s a game-changer for cognitive health too.”

• “Unlocking the power of creatine can lead to significant improvements in both muscle strength and brain function.”

• “From gym enthusiasts to those seeking mental clarity, creatine offers a wide range of benefits.”


  • Introduction to Creatine: Background on what creatine is and its natural occurrence in the body.

  • Physical Performance Benefits: Discussion on how creatine enhances muscle strength and recovery.

  • Cognitive Benefits: Exploration of studies showing creatine’s positive effects on brain function and mental clarity.

  • Proper Usage and Dosage: Tips on how to incorporate creatine into your routine for optimal results.

  • Myths and Misconceptions: Addressing common myths and concerns about creatine supplementation.

Links & Resources:

Signing Off:

To our vibrant community of High Performers, remember, each step you take towards understanding and optimizing your performance brings you closer to your goals. Keep striving, stay curious, and support one another. Until next time, keep thriving in your quest for health and excellence!

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