Did You Know These 5 Trauma Responses 😱 #shorts

5 Trauma Responses To Know ⬇️

A quick description of each one! Fight

“Fight: This response involves confronting the threat aggressively. It’s the body’s way of standing ground and defending itself.”

Flight “Flight: This response involves escaping the threat. It’s the body’s way of seeking safety by running away from danger.”

Freeze “Freeze: This response involves becoming immobile or ‘playing dead’. It’s the body’s way of avoiding detection and staying safe by not moving.”

Fawn “Fawn: This response involves people-pleasing to avoid conflict. It’s the body’s way of placating the threat by trying to appease and please others.”

Flop “Flop: This response involves collapsing or giving up. It’s the body’s way of surrendering when it feels completely overwhelmed or helpless.” @annaliehowling

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