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Inspire Vision Podcast

Limitless Horizons: Igniting Your Infinite Potential

Elevate your mind and life with the transformative 'Inspire Vision Podcast Experience.' Embark on an enlightening journey of personal growth, where each episode becomes a stepping stone to transcend personal limitations. Delve into the depths of personal awareness and self development, where guests share their insights, offering a profound experience that empowers, enlightens, and ignites the visionary within you and inspires you to craft a future brimming with endless possibilities.


July 1, 2024

Unleash Thyself

It is often mentioned how important it is to build on a firm foundation. Sometimes we forget and forge forward without doing that in our lives. It is especially true as we embark on our personal journey of growth and self-di…
June 26, 2024

Dreams Are The Secrets to Your Life

So often we never consider the value of dreams that we experience or the fact that we cannot remember the dreams of the previous night, or just say that we don’t dream. There is magic to our dreams if we just sit back and…
June 24, 2024

BE-com-ing Authentically Me

“Finding yourself is an uncovering of the hidden gem”. These are the words of my guest, Birgitta Visser. Birgitta is truly a soul healer, reaching beyond the present world to gain the intuition and wisdom to help others …

Recent Blog Posts

The Fascinating Intersection of Past Lives, DNA Memory and the Collective Unconscious.

The concept of past lives has fascinated humanity for centuries. Reincarnation, the idea that our souls are reborn into new bodies after death, is a cornerstone of many religious and spiritual traditions. But in recent years, scientific advances in …

Exploring the Essence of Truth: A Journey into Perception and Reality

In a world swirling with perspectives and interpretations, the concept of truth stands as an elusive enigma. What is truth? Is it a fixed point in an ever-shifting reality, or is it as fluid as the streams of consciousness that define our existence?…

Embracing the Journey: Why “The Journey is the Destination” Matters

In a world fixated on end goals and destinations, we often overlook the beauty and significance of the journey itself. “The journey is the destination” encapsulates the idea that the experiences, growth, and lessons learned along the way…

About the Host

Dr. Doug Gulbrandsen Profile Photo

Dr. Doug Gulbrandsen

Speaker/Author/Coach/Radio & TV Personality/Podcaster

In a timeless parable, a man sells his farm in pursuit of diamonds, only to learn that the new owner uncovers record numbers of diamonds in the same land, waiting to be discovered. Dr. Doug Gulbrandsen, much like the new owner, is dedicated to helping individuals uncover, appreciate, and refine their inherent personal treasures.

As the esteemed host of the Inspire Vision Podcast, Dr. Doug has spent the past 15 years prior to his podcast focusing on guiding and mentoring individuals and business owners towards lives filled with happiness, fulfillment, and prosperity. His impact has been profound, as evidenced by the lasting transformation experienced by his clients.

Larry Peterson, a certified financial planner and managing member of Amicus Settlement Planners, attests to the enduring benefits of Dr. Doug's guidance, even a decade after their collaboration. "I was prepared to be proactive for my own growth," Larry reflects. "Dr. Doug Gulbrandsen provided me with powerful tools to achieve that growth, including cultivating an abundance mindset for both me and my wife, and leveraging our behavioral profiles to work and live more effectively within our inherent strengths."

Dr. Doug's influence extends far beyond theory, as his clients have witnessed remarkable shifts in every facet of their lives. One client, inspired by Dr. Doug's training, doubled his time spent with family while simultaneously doubling his business revenue. Another client, reeling from a significant business loss, experienced an immediate elevati… Read More