In this episode, Aaron Gordon explores the journey of guest Mark Metzler, highlighting their discussion on perseverance, hard work, and achieving success through dedication. Mark's determination to succeed in real estate, despite incurring credit card...
In this episode, Aaron Gordon explores the journey of guest Mark Metzler, highlighting their discussion on perseverance, hard work, and achieving success through dedication. Mark's determination to succeed in real estate, despite incurring credit card debt and facing initial challenges, showcases his unwavering commitment to his chosen path. The episode delves into the influence of Mark's family work ethic in shaping his drive and motivation, emphasizing the value of hustle and continuous learning in his career. Mark's rejection of a plan B and firm belief that failure is not an option underscores his dedication to plan A, resonating with the podcast's theme of staying focused on goals without distractions. The conversation emphasizes the importance of grit, hustle, and overcoming obstacles as integral elements in achieving success, inspiring listeners to pursue their passions wholeheartedly. Aaron Gordon praises Mark's inspirational journey, highlighting the transformative power of hard work and commitment in carving out a path to success in any field.
Get To Know Mark Metzler
Mark Metzler, a driven real estate professional with Compass in Westchester County, NY, blends his passion for client success with unparalleled local market insights and negotiation prowess. A protégé of Ryan Serhant, the renowned real estate mogul from Million Dollar Listing NY, Mark leverages top-tier training and marketing acumen to achieve outstanding results for his clients. Dedicated to fostering lasting relationships, Mark's approach extends beyond transactions, ensuring a memorable and positive experience from start to finish. His commitment to excellence is evident in his continuous investment in professional development, aligning with the best in the industry to elevate his service standards. Away from real estate, Mark's interests span high-end automotive events, fitness, and cultivating connections within professional circles. His multifaceted lifestyle underscores a commitment to excellence and community.
3 Episode Key Takeaways
- Embrace the "no plan B" mindset: Mark's commitment to success in real estate, without a fallback plan, showcases the power of unwavering determination in achieving your goals.
Fear of failure as a motivator: Mark's view on leveraging fear of failure as a driving force toward success underscores the importance of channeling challenges into opportunities for growth.
- Persistence Pays Off: Mark's story highlights the value of persistence and unwavering dedication to one's goals, emphasizing that pushing forward, especially during challenging times like the pandemic, can lead to eventual success in your endeavors.
Show Overview:
01:23 Mark learning investing, rental properties, tax advantages, sales.
06:29 Grateful for COVID downtime to improve business skills.
10:09 Father's work ethic and success created opportunities.
12:03 Questioning family's discouragement from pursuing trade.
16:18 Signed with company, quit job, pursued happiness.
18:00 Passionate about Plan A, not interested in Plan B.
20:57 Desire for success and embracing the fear of failure.
27:31 Favorite quote: "You don't need to catch every break."