In this episode, Aaron Gordon and Nick Klingensmith delve into the transformative power of goal setting and resilience. Nick shares his journey, marked by physical challenges like running marathons with a broken foot, battling cancer, and overcoming...
In this episode, Aaron Gordon and Nick Klingensmith delve into the transformative power of goal setting and resilience. Nick shares his journey, marked by physical challenges like running marathons with a broken foot, battling cancer, and overcoming personal adversities such as alcoholism and depression. A pivotal turning point occurred on July 12, 2014, when a drinking incident in Las Vegas motivated Nick to change his life. Despite facing setbacks, including professional success marred by personal loss and a car accident, Nick embraced a mentality of perseverance.
Nick emphasizes the importance of physical and mental endurance training for races and handling life's challenges. He recounts his marathon running experiences and the significant support from the New York crowd. The discussion extends to the impact of his wife's support and how their shared participation in races strengthened their relationship.
Nick's inspirational journey is highlighted by his setting epic goals, such as completing a Spartan Ultra race, and his unwavering commitment to finishing what he starts despite limitations. The episode underscores the importance of building on small successes over time and encourages listeners to dream big, push past limitations, and keep hustling through life's adversities.
Get To Know Nick Klingensmith
Nick Klingensmith is a 4-time cancer survivor, type-1 diabetic, and recovering alcoholic who transformed his life by becoming an obstacle course racer, inspiring keynote speaker, and best-selling author. With 20 years of sales experience and 10 years of executive leadership, he is passionate about driving revenue, developing people, and collaborating cross-functionally to drive business growth. Nick is adept at reverse-engineering and engaging with key accounts, and he excels in crisis-mode leadership and process improvement. Through his personal journey and professional expertise, Nick empowers achievement-driven professionals and teams to overcome self-doubt, fears, and excuses, guiding them to clarify their purpose, define tangible goals, and achieve success.
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3 Episode Key Takeaways
1. The Importance of Mental and Physical Endurance: Nick emphasizes that training your mind and body to endure challenges benefits your athletic endeavors and equips you to handle adversities in all aspects of life. This holistic approach to endurance fosters resilience and personal growth.
2. The Power of Never Giving Up: Despite facing diabetes, cancer, and other personal obstacles, Nick's determination to finish what he starts—like running marathons without training—showcases the importance of persistence and defying limitations. His story encourages listeners to persevere and push beyond their perceived limits.
3. Small Wins Lead to Big Successes: Aaron highlights the significance of achieving small successes and gradually stacking them up over time. This methodical approach to goal-setting and progress ensures sustainable and long-lasting accomplishments, embodied by Nick's journey from personal struggles to inspiring achievements.
Show Overview:
01:45 Drunk incident in Vegas made me reconsider life.
05:11 Overcoming adversity after struggling with health issues.
07:22 Abandoned by parents, struggled with rejection, insecurity.
11:09 Actions have consequences, affecting others and reputation.
16:08 Entrepreneurs need to think big and dream.
17:02 Overcome limitations, chase dreams, don't sell short.
22:58 Overcoming doubt and achieving success through perseverance.
25:26 Forced to train despite foot injury.
28:17 Busy conversation, team talk, run with determination.