Supernatural, kim rhodes, briana buckmaster, ruth connell, misha collins, supernatural con, aliens, ghosts, pets, people to know, positive vibes, pop culture
We know that you're actually here to listen to us play "Don't Screw the Krew" but there are other fun things in this episode. We go back into the Kinda Nerdy Vault and bring out our SPN interviews! We talk with Kim Rhodes and Briana Buckmaster about ghosts and aliens. We talk with Ruth Connell about all the spooky things she experienced while filming SPN. And then we do a lightning round with Misha Collins. There is something for everyone! We have lots of pop culture and we of course have a super adorable pet of the week!
New to the Kinda Nerdy Girls? Here are a few episodes that introduces the cast, highlights celebs we've had on the show and shares our favorite moments!