What's it like to be back as Sensei John Kreese after all these years? KJ & Martin talk The Karate Kid legacy and Martin shares why it's so special to have the story of John Kreese continue in Cobra Kai on Netflix! #cobrakai #cobrakaiseason3...
What's it like to be back as Sensei John Kreese after all these years? KJ & Martin talk The Karate Kid legacy and Martin shares why it's so special to have the story of John Kreese continue in Cobra Kai on Netflix!
#cobrakai #cobrakaiseason3 #kindanerdygirls #nerdygirl #nerdygirls #nerdynews #nerdout #thekaratekid #yessensei #senseikreese #whattowatch #interview #celebrityinterview
New to the Kinda Nerdy Girls? Here are a few episodes that introduces the cast, highlights celebs we've had on the show and shares our favorite moments!