Ross "Yergz" Yerger is a retired Special Agent from the US Secret Service, a former police officer, minor league baseball umpire and 1995 graduate of Penn State University. With a degree in history and political science, Yergz took that knowledge into his 21 year career with the Secret Service; watching and taking part in history, as it happened.
Today, he leads the show Up The Middle, with various cohosts throughout the week. Mondays he's joined by one of his junior high English teachers. Jane Stahl, now retired, also hosts The B Inspired Podcast. Together they cohost Up The Middle: Both Sides Now, where they discuss the issues of the day, not only politics.
On Wednesdays, for Up The Middle: Translating Trump, Yergz is joined by Philip Blackett, a Hardvard educated philosopher, author, and Trump supporter. The resident "Trump Translator," Blackett debates various Trump related issues against Yergz.
Fridays make for an exciting start to the weekend with Up The Middle: Friday Fights. Here, Yergz is sometimes against Matt Diemer (D-Ohio), the host of Daily Crypto News and other times against Blake Fischer (R-Oklahoma), and the host of The Homeless Conservative. Blake is NOT a Trump supporter. But that doesn't mean that he agrees with Yergz, or Matt, or anyone else for that matter. And don't mistake Matt for a bleeding heart "Wokie." All three of them fancy themselves as "practical;" so they think!
The overall concept of "Up The Middle" was started by Yergz when it was just him, and simply a podcast, in the spring of 2023. By the end of the summer of that year, Yergz began to enlarge his reach into the internet audience by starting "Yergz Radio," an internet radio station with positive talk, in a negative world. By the end of 2023, Yergz was developing connections with terrestrial stations to continue to grow his various brands, especially Up The Middle. By the end of 2024, Up The Middle could be heard in eight markets, in two countries - not including the fact that some of the platforms are internet radio or social media; which can be heard globally. Up The Middle is now also being expanded into the AM / Morning Drive space and is under consideration for markets in Tampa and Nashville.