The hosts catch up on ***Catholicism IN THE NEWS****. Steph dishes on Francis’s drink of choice. Anne is jazzed that some Catholic bishops are starting to speak out about gun control legislation…until Steph totally (rightfully) harshes her mellow. Anne also fangirls over a fellow progressive, midwestern, redhead “straight, white, Christian, suburban mom" and does her best to sniff out Catholic influences in Disney. The hosts come to the striking realizing that no one in the Western world knew how babies were made until pretty darned recently.
Buffalo Shooting Should Be a Wakeup Call For White Catholics
Pope Francis Says He Needs Tequila for Sore Knee
The ‘straight, white, Christian, suburban mom’ taking on Republicans at their own game
Human conception was still basically a total mystery until as recently as 1875
Catholic teacher fired for teaching about black culture-Decatur GA
Petition: Ordain Catholic Women Now!