Oct. 4, 2022

The Catholic Afterlife

The Catholic Afterlife
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Stephanie and Anne take a deep dive into what Catholic school and CCD taught them about life after death. A young Steph imagined a cloudy heaven that was harp-filled and toga-forward. Anne realizes how the Wizard of Oz impacted her early view of the afterlife. The hosts also launch into their own lapsed Catholic version of #yesyesno as they struggle to make sense of a Catholic-adjacent tweet involving #depop, #coquettegirlies and #cleangirlaesthetic (#eldermillenialsareconfused). This episode also once again involves a Harry Potter reference, care of Steph.


A Depop Seller Offering $5 Absolution Online Created A Mess Of Catholic Discourse

Catholic Crypto Conference

What Jesus Really Said About Heaven and Hell

What Does the Catholic Church Believe About Life After Death?

Heaven And Hell Are 'Not What Jesus Preached,' Religion Scholar Says

