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Sept. 13, 2022

Shanee Moret explains How to Build and Monetize Your Personal Brand With

Shanee Moret explains How to Build and Monetize Your Personal Brand With

Business growth expert Shanee Moret shares how you can grow and monetize your personal brand without spending all day on social media. She’ll share how she went from 0 to over 1 million followers on LinkedIn while also building a vibrant, lucrative...

Business growth expert Shanee Moret shares how you can grow and monetize your personal brand without spending all day on social media. She’ll share how she went from 0 to over 1 million followers on LinkedIn while also building a vibrant, lucrative online community.

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3:55 – Pursuing significance vs. doing significant things

Branding is not a design thrown into Canva – it’s a subjective experience, what someone thinks or feels when you come to their mind. If you’re not careful, you could be trying to project one image, and people receive it in a totally different way. 


5:40 – How Shanee got started


6:58 – Why you need a personal brand even if you’re at a good place in your career

Think of a personal brand as the ultimate job security. If you’ve already built that trust and relationship with a broad community, you have the ability to pivot or even start fresh. 


8:16 – Quick breakdown for building a personal brand

  1. Understand who you want to attract, and what they’re struggling with
  2. Know the stories from your life that you can tell to attract your ideal clients


10:07 – How to find your story 

Everyone has a story. Even if you think your life has been pretty boring to this point, if you get asked the right questions, you’ll find that there’s an interesting story under there. 

You need to find your most profitable skill set, and how it can help other people. If you’re not in a place to work with your coach, reach out to your network and ask for help in finding what’s interesting about your story or which skills are the most valuable. 

There is a degree of vulnerability in sharing your story – but potential customers can’t know, like, and trust you if you’ve thrown up a brick wall around anything personal. 


13:00 – What has changed around personal branding? 

People are better understanding the value of their time. They’re not following as many people, but they are more connected to the influencers that make the cut. 

This is both good and bad news – you need to know how to build that personal connection and convert. If someone doesn’t trust you enough to part with their resources, you haven’t connected with them as effectively as you could. 

Often, you’re playing the long game to keep and earn trust with each new follower. 


17:58 – What are some common mistakes with personal branding? 

  • Inconsistency. Only doing it when you feel like it, or feeling like only perfect stuff can go out the door. 
  • Not having an offer. So, you’ve earned the trust of your audience – and people love to spend money on products they’re excited about. What are you giving your audience that they can purchase and be excited about buying? 


20:15 How much should you share? 

You don’t need to share your personal life to have a personal brand. Take Gary Vee for example – you almost never see his wife or kids, but you know who he himself is, and what he thinks about a lot of different subjects. 

Even if you don’t want to be on camera at all, there are ways to show yourself to the world. 


24:17 – How to spot a phony brand

If the person is never posting organic content (only paid ads), that immediately sets off alarm bells for Shanee. Are there testimonials? Did this person just appear from the ether and rocket to the top? 


26:47 – How would Shanee decide tone/filtering? 

She goes by what would be good for prospects, every time. From music choice to strong language, choose something that you’re at home in, but also doesn’t turn off your ideal client. 


28:21 – How to deal with trolls