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March 7, 2023

Want to Turn Your Ideas Into Revenue? Amy Porterfield is Here to Help.

Want to Turn Your Ideas Into Revenue? Amy Porterfield is Here to Help.

If you made the leap from corporate to entrepreneur and need a step by step guide for how to turn your ideas into revenue, Amy Porterfield is here to help.

If you made the leap from corporate to entrepreneur and need a step by step guide for how to turn your ideas into revenue, Amy Porterfield is here to help.


2:37 – Introduction to Amy 

Amy says that she’s an ex-corporate girl who accidentally turned entrepreneur. After getting a taste of what it looks like to own your own business, she started exploring starting her own business. 


4:25 – Gathering the courage to make the leap 

Confidence is something that comes when you start to see a track record. Courage happens when you don’t have a track record (yet), and you decide to take the leap anyways. 


Amy says you can’t wait for confidence to launch with courage. 


7:05 – Common mistakes people make when moving from corporate to becoming an entrepreneur 

  • Feeling like you have to have it fully figured out. You don’t need a complete business plan before quitting your 9 to 5. Look at it in phases, knowing that how your business looks when you make the leap isn’t the final phase. 
  • Not trying to make money early enough. You don’t need a beautiful website, a backlog of a year’s worth of blog posts, or even the 


A note from Terry: Planning is often procrastination. 


9:48 – The Post-It Party

When you’re in the ideation phase, you should write down every idea that you have. 


For a starter exercise, sit down for 10-15 minutes with some good music, a stack of post-it notes, and a pen, and write down every idea that comes to mind about your business and the services you’d like to offer. Then, put those notes on the wall and look for emerging themes.


Some of those ideas won’t stick, but this will be a way to get your thoughts out on paper in a low-pressure environment – you may surprise yourself with what you come up with. 


14:50 – Revenue-Driving Strategies (for beginners)

Start with coaching or consulting. Take a subject that you love and know a lot about, and offer to teach people about it. 


Other ways to maximize your time as a coach/consultant: Digital courses and workshops. 


17:40 – How to Price Your Services

When you’re starting with coaching, think about charging as a package vs. hourly. You’re going to get way more bang for your buck. 


Keep it minimal in checking out your competition, then get on the phone with potential clients, and ask them about what kind of packages they’ve purchased in the past, what they liked and didn’t like, how much they paid. You’ve got to start ith audience research. 


21:15  – Transferable Skills

When you’re looking at quitting your 9 to 5 and starting your own business, it’s essential to not discount your past experiences. Amy shares  her own experience with transferable skills. 


23:40 – What Amy wishes she’d learned earlier

She says there are a lot – but she really wishes she’d put effort and focus on networking earlier. The time to network is not when you need something. It’s when you don’t need a thing. 


27:00 – Amy’s operational definition of success


28:08 – The Advice Amy would Give a Friend Who’s Thinking of Quitting Corporate

In Amy’s opinion, the worst days as an entrepreneur are still better than the days of being an employee. There is a lot of freedom on the other side of the leap. 


The other big thing to remember is that you don’t have to quit today. Start with a side hustle! 


And stop talking about it, and just start something. 


29:43 – Why Amy Wrote Two Weeks Notice.


Learn more about our guest: 


Amy’s Podcast, Online Marketing Made Easy