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Not finding work fulfilling? You can change that with Dr. Maike Neuhaus

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Dr. Maike Neuhaus is a self-proclaimed self-leadership and flourishing fanatic. From a young age, she has been fascinated with the fact that some people seem to thrive in life, while others get in their own way. 

I met Dr. Maike when we both attended a Team Management Systems (TMS) accreditation program. She walked into class with a leather jacket, a motorbike helmet, and was questioning study validity, and I was like, “Who is this cool person?”

We kept in touch over email, Maike and her family moved to Europe but since she’s been back, we’ve been having conversations, like we had today, in person, in cool places, and it’s one of my favourite things to do.

In this conversation, you'll hear Dr. Maike discuss:
* How we take care of our emotional wellbeing
* The role of self-actualization in regards to social wellbeing
* The difference between surviving and thriving 
* The power of definitions, particularly related to burnout and languishing
* The three key elements of her self-leadership 2.0 model 
* Integrated motivation (it’s not intrinsic or extrinsic)
* Your purpose and how it doesn’t have to be linked to your job
* What Maike and her family are doing next
* Rapid round

#selfleadership #dreambig #workandlivelarge #leannehughes #maikeneuhaus #leadership #discovery #flourishing #selfactualization #motivationtheory #integratedmotivation #purpose #findyourwhy