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Feb. 28, 2022

WALL04: When should you communicate change? (Two by Tuesday)

WALL04: When should you communicate change? (Two by Tuesday)

In this Two by Tuesday episode I explore the question, "When is the best time to communicate change" using a 2 x 2 matrix.

Often when you’re going through change, or leading change within a company, it’s the timing and way you communicate that seems to have a bigger impact on people, over the actual change.

"So much of life is not about whether you're good or bad, or right or wrong, or can afford or not afford - it's just about timing." - A. A. Gill, 'Uncle Dysfunctional'

I consider two things when it comes to communicating change in this episode:
- Certainty of the change (x axis)
- Perception of the impact (positive or negative)

Enjoy the listen! Or, watch my explanation on YouTube.

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