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    April 23, 2024

    Language Coaching for Spanish Fluency with Maribel Zapata ♫ 196

    Language Coaching for Spanish Fluency with Maribel Zapata ♫ 196

    En este episodio, hablamos sobre cómo puedes ir de estudiante de español a hablante de español. 🗣💬

    Conversamos con Maribel sobre las mejores maneras de mejorar tu fluidez en español de manera divertida y efectiva. ✅

    En este episodio aprenderás:

    • La clave para mejorar tu fluidez en español 🔑
    • Los errores que muchas personas cometen al crear una meta de aprendizaje 🚫
    • Las diferencias entre enseñanza y coaching: ¿cuál es mejor para mí? 🗣

    In this episode, we talk about how you can go from a Spanish learner to a Spanish speaker. 🗣💬
    We talk with Maribel about the best ways to improve your fluency in Spanish in a fun and effective way. ✅
    In this episode you’ll learn:

    • The key to improving your fluency in Spanish 🔑 
    • The mistakes many people make when setting up a learning goal 🚫
    • The differences between teaching and coaching: which is better for me? 🗣

    Resources Mentioned in this Episode

    Related episodes:
    Episode 185: There’s No Perfect Time to Get Fluent: How Phillip Started Speaking Spanish in Less Than 90 Days
    Episode 137: Why Living Abroad Won’t Help You Get Fluent: Andrea’s Story
    Episode 85: From Beginner to Conversational Fluency in 90 Days (Interview with Ryan Chindavong)
    Episode 35: Are You Nervous Talking to Native Spanish Speakers? Interview with Kayla Rodriguez

    Do you struggle to understand native Spanish speakers because they talk TOO fast? 😖

    Then this masterclass is for you -- learn my method to improve your Spanish listening skills.  Past attendees have gone from understanding 30% to 80% of spoken Spanish in under 30 minutes.

    Get access to the Spanish Listening Skills Masterclass >>

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    Maribel Zapata Profile Photo

    Maribel Zapata

    Language Coach

    Hola, I’m Maribel from Medellín, Colombia 🇨🇴 and I live in Montréal, Canada. I have been teaching Spanish since 2020.

    I have done several certifications, and I’m studying a master’s in neuroscience applied to pedagogy.

    I’m passionate about languages and how they can be the key to open new doors. Yes, that sounds very cliché, but that’s how I see it.

    I want to show you how beautiful our Latin American culture is. Let’s learn together!

    Click 🌐 icon below to schedule a lesson with me! 👇🏾