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Combating Misinformation and Anti-LGBTQIA Fear in Religious Communities (with Rev. Brandan Robertson)

Combating Misinformation and Anti-LGBTQIA Fear in Religious Communities (with Rev. Brandan Robertson)

💡 Guest bio

Rev. Brandan Robertson's journey to becoming a pastor began at the age of 12, when he had a conversion experience at a Baptist church in Maryland. Despite growing up in a non-religious household, he felt a distinct calling to pursue a career in the ministry. Now, at the age of 32, he has dedicated himself to fulfilling that calling and is on the path to becoming a pastor.

ℹ️ Introduction

Welcome to the Lesbi-Honest podcast, where we talk openly and candidly about the experiences of later in life lesbians. In this episode titled "Brandan Robertson.mp3," your host Sarah St John engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Reverend Brandan Robertson. They explore the impact of TikTok in spreading discussions about sexuality and religion, challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community in religious spaces, and the importance of creating inclusive environments. Brandan shares his personal journey, challenges faced within the evangelical community, and his advocacy for an inclusive modern gospel. From the historical context of anti-LGBTQ teachings in Christianity to advice for those coming out later in life, this episode is filled with insightful reflections and empowering messages. Join us as we delve into this fascinating and illuminating conversation.

❇️ Key topics and bullets

1. Brandan Robertson's Personal Journey

- Upbringing in a non-religious environment

- Joining a Baptist church at age 12

- Attending an evangelical school in Chicago

- Experiencing resistance and threat of expulsion for questioning evangelical theology

- Being subjected to conversion therapy at his school

- Facing backlash from the evangelical community after coming out

- Finding support from other Christians and a different kind of Christianity that embraced inclusion

- Mission to help queer people find their space in the church and challenge the church to change its teachings regarding the queer community

- Family's reaction and support

- Shock from the hate received from evangelicals and Christians

2. Christianity and LGBTQ+ Community

- Historical context of anti-LGBTQ stance in Christianity

- Comparing current anti-LGBTQ teaching to ancient perspectives on same-sex male sexuality

- Harmful effects of current teachings on LGBTQ individuals

- Presence of queer individuals in scripture, citing references to eunuchs and their potential representation of nonbinary or gay people in ancient texts

- Highlighting the baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch as evidence of inclusion in the Christian church

- Acknowledging the selective acceptance of adoption by straight couples and challenging the belief that children need both a male and female parent for proper development

- Emphasizing the need to contextualize biblical teachings within the cultural norms of the time

- Challenging the idea that procreation is the sole basis for valid marriage and advocating for supporting queer people in adopting and raising children

- The Bible as descriptive, not prescriptive, and the need to interpret biblical teachings within their cultural context

- Debate on traditional heterosexual relationships being the only ones displayed in the Bible

3. Queer Representation and Marginalization

- Role of societal norms in perpetuating fear and misunderstanding of queer individuals

- Impact of lack of representation on harmful legislation and violence

- Marginalization of intersex, trans, and non-binary individuals

- The destabilization of existing societal structures and perceptions by increased visibility and exploration of gender by younger generations

- The world's tendency to simplify everything into binary choices, and why it's not helpful

4. Advocacy, Education, and Conversation

- Engaging in meaningful dialogue and representation to create change

- Starting a nonprofit highlighting the prevalence of ex-gay and conversion therapy ministries

- Challenging theological views that perpetuate fear and anger towards LGBTQ+ individuals

- The importance of creating inclusive spaces, especially for older LGBTQ+ individuals coming out

- The impact of creating spaces for sharing stories and hosting conversations in changing attitudes

5. TikTok and Evangelism

- Brandan Robertson's unexpected journey into TikTok

- Engagement in substantive conversations about progressive Christianity, theology, and spirituality on TikTok

- Viewing presence on TikTok as a form of evangelism for spreading the true good news of Jesus and providing support for queer individuals struggling with their faith

6. Advice for Coming Out Later in Life

- Importance of patience and self-acceptance for those coming out later in life

- Advice on building a chosen family for support if biological family is not accepting

- Emphasizing the value of authenticity in relationships

- Advising against engaging in debates when coming out

- Acknowledging the different circumstances and challenges faced by those coming out later in life

- Recognition of resentment and frustration among queer individuals due to varying acceptance levels across generations

- Urging for focus on personal journeys and the progress made for future generations

- Emphasizing the need for patience and understanding towards others' processes

📚 Timestamped overview

00:00 Survived conversion therapy, rejected evangelicalism, lost book deal.

05:46 Family supportive of LGBTQ+ coming out. Shocked by hate from Christians.

07:21 Christian views on sexuality have evolved dramatically.

12:01 Bible translations, homosexuality, and sexual deviancy history.

16:48 Early queer presence in the Bible affirmed.

19:13 Bible scholar explains Fulfillment of be fruitful command.

22:14 From bad to passionate about progressive Christianity.

25:16 Fear vs love, truth matters, no fear needed.

28:23 Disagreement with conversion therapy for LGBTQ+ individuals.

32:22 Cultural change takes time; fear causes harm.

33:52 Intersex and marginalized voices need to be heard.

39:33 Finding acceptance in family and community journey.

42:18 Resentment, frustration, and jealousy among queer community.

44:06 Grateful for podcast community and conversations. Thankful.

❓ Questions

1. Brandan Robertson discussed the impact of TikTok on reaching a wider audience for conversations about sexuality and religion. How do you think social media platforms can help facilitate discussions on important topics like these?

2. Robertson mentioned his plan to start a nonprofit highlighting the prevalence of ex-gay and conversion therapy ministries. What are your thoughts on the need for more visibility and awareness of the harm caused by such practices?

3. The episode touched upon the fear and misunderstanding of queer individuals perpetuated by lack of representation, leading to harmful legislation and violence. How can we create more inclusive and representative environments to combat this?

4. Brandan emphasized the importance of creating safe and inclusive spaces, especially for older LGBTQ+ individuals who are coming out later in life. What steps can be taken to support and uplift older members of the LGBTQ+ community?

5. Robertson discussed the historical context of anti-LGBTQ+ stance in Christianity and its relatively new nature. How can we encourage a shift towards more inclusive teachings within religious institutions?

6. The conversation brought up the concept of chosen families for support. How do you think the concept of chosen families can impact the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals, particularly those who may face rejection from their biological families?

7. Robertson mentioned the importance of self-acceptance and authenticity when coming out, and the need for patience in others' acceptance. What advice would you give to someone coming out later in life, considering the unique challenges they might face?

8. The discussion highlighted the value of engaging in meaningful dialogue and representation for creating change. What are some ways to facilitate these conversations in both safe and challenging environments?

9. Brandan emphasized the need to challenge traditional patriarchal and binary norms. How can we dismantle these societal structures and perceptions to create a more equitable and inclusive society?

10. The episode touched on the Bible's references to same-sex relationships and the need to contextualize biblical teachings within ancient cultural norms. How do you think this understanding can contribute to more inclusive and affirming religious practices?


