Jason Kenzie started his career filming exotic pets worldwide, his travels have led him to explore breathtaking locations. When COVID restrictions halted his adventures, he fearlessly delved into the mystery of Bigfoot, creat...
I dove into a fascinating article a few weeks ago, brimming with unexpected twists involving a murder and the elusive Bigfoot. Eager to unravel the mysterious narrative, I swiftly reached for the red phone in my studio, summo...
Bryan Sawyer is the founder of Bigfoots of Michigan where he explores and investigates Sasquatch reports, eyewitnesses, and identifying Bigfoot habitats. He's also the producer of the Bigfoots of America podcast and YouTube c...
Gregory Fedora has been seeking out the mysterious from a very early age and his goal is to document the history, mythology and tales of the peculiar creatures from around the world. You can check out all his fantastic videos...
Eastern Panther researcher Jean Tewksbury. Jean Tewksbury is the Operations Curator of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine. She's also taken parts in expeditions for Bigfoot, Dogman, and mystery cats. We...
Colin Keelty is a cryptozoologist, and field researcher in the UK doing the same thing and is on the same mission as we are. Trying to find the evidence and answers to the mysterious world of cryptids and the mysteries …