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April 17, 2022

Praying the Impossible - Transitions 2

Praying the Impossible - Transitions 2
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Life Without Baggage : Insights from Christian Counseling for Personal Growth

Continuing with Vince Didato, LPCC-S, we look at how to stay on track during the transitions/crisis points of life.

You will want to pay special attention to the segment on Object Constancy and how it impacts our sense of security with other people and with God (11:07"). There is a prayer to repair our sense of security (object constancy) at the end of the podcast (20:39").

  • How we HANDLE crisis and transition has long term consequences in who we become AND how likely we are to have a positive impact in our relationships AND the likelihood of how well we will see God move in supernatural ways to fulfill His promises (1:05');
  • We need tolerance for our mistakes and for temporary setbacks or even temporary failure (5:05");
  • What the Bible says about spiritual warfare when we are trying to move forward with God (6:23");
  • Our underlying "emotional" view of God becomes apparent during difficult times (9:55");
  • Object Constancy and security with people and God (10:38");
  • Christian disciplines and success through crisis and trials (14:22");
  • Prayer for repair of our ability to feel secure  with God and people (20:39"); and
  • Resources (23:35").