Awwww shoot! Now, yall know Preezy is going to give you the update on the news and current events. But she has a special topic for you ladies and gents today. You see, growing up in the 70s and 80s, cartoons were not just fun, but they were educational. Let's reminisce and have some fun. You're going to love it.NOTE: i do not own the songs or copy rights to any cartoon being played on this episode.Authorization is allowed for LISTEN UP LISTEN IN Intro music and Outro Song.NOTE: i do not own the copyrights of any clip from a comedy show or anything that is played on social media.LISTEN UP LISTEN IN IS ON ALL SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMSwww.listenuplistenin5687.comListenuplistenin5687@gmail.comfacebook, Instagram, linkedin, Pinterest, Youtube, TwitterSend a voice message to my podcast, Listen Up Listen In: Send in a voice message:
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