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June 14, 2024

The Power Structures of Cities

The Power Structures of Cities

Samo Burja and Erik Torenberg discuss about the nature of cities being shaped by human society.

Samo Burja and Erik Torenberg discuss the enduring influence of cities on human civilization, exploring their role as the longest-lived human institutions and their impact on social and political structures. They also examine the common criticisms of modern cities like San Francisco, their political landscape and the legacy of Democratic and Republican policies.



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Samo’s Bismarck Brief: 


The City Makes the Civilization: https://www.palladiummag.com/2024/05/31/the-city-makes-the-civilization/



@eriktorenberg (Erik)

@samoburja (Samo)

@turpentinemedia (Turpentine)



(00:00) Intro

(00:30) Enduring nature of cities 

(04:27) Misunderstandings about modern cities

(06:33) Political dynamics in urban areas

(13:50) Sponsor: Babbel

(15:17) Charter cities and network states

(23:12) Digital and physical interplay of cities

(27:07) Future of urban development

(36:59) Overhaul in government staffing

(39:39) Refounding on industrial civilization

(47:19) Wrap