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June 2, 2021

Episode 194: Do the Work to Heal – Interview Andrea Carver

Episode 194: Do the Work to Heal – Interview Andrea Carver

Episode 194: Do the Work to Heal

Interview Andrea Carver

Welcome back to the Love Your Story podcast…if you are a regular listener to this podcast you know how the stories you tell yourself create your reality. That’s what the whole Love Your Story movement is about —helping you to realize and take control of your life stories. 

Wayne Dyer said, “Be open to everything and attached to nothing.” This is key as we do work with our own stories.

Today I have a treat for you. Andrea Carver is here on the show. She is a Craniosacral Therapist who has been practicing for 30 years. The heart of her work as a therapist is a spiritual understanding of the unlimited potential for growth of the human spirt and as she has done her work over the past 3 decades, she hears stories every day that are similar to each other….limiting stories that need to be reframed. Stay tuned for our interview and to learn a few skills for taking old stories and shifting them into empowering ones. Let’s be open to everything and attached to nothing, and we’ll see where we land…

Tune into the audio program to hear answers to questions like:

  1. You said that the same script you hear from people is that they have had negative experiences that happened to them in their past, those experiences helped them create a story that they tell themselves (their perceived reality) and then the spend their life looking for proof to validate these stories. Tell us some of those stories.
  2. How do you take an old story -something ugly and damaging - and make it an incredible learning experience filled with wisdom and enlightenment?
  3. During the past year we have all been staying home more, connecting less, touching less and dealing with the resulting anxiety, depression and stress that comes when humans can’t be the social beings they are - and of course the stress of the unknown that surrounds the pandemic. Well, now we have to deal with the mental and emotional aftermath. What do you suggest for us all to deal with this Covid backlash?
  4. You have trained under some really impressive people - Deepak Chopra and Byron Katie…what was that like? What did you learn?

To contact Andrea:




Deepak Chopra said, “Quit trying to fight the darkness and look for more light.” As we conclude I think this a fitting stair to step out on…as we consider our stories and how they are holding us back, let us all be less resistant to changing them. Let us look for the light and the learning that comes from the shift, rather than struggling in the dark. Your challenge this week is to identify one story in your life that you know is holding you back. Shifting our stories is often something we cannot do alone. We need guidance and help because we are so stuck in our own way of seeing the world. We think how we see things is fact. Well, if you need help meeting this challenge You can go to loveyourstorypodcast.com and find Andrea’s contact information in the show notes, but I also suggest that you listen to the 5 Steps to Reframing your story - that is episode 46-50, each episode deals with one of the 5 steps for reframing your story. Excellent for walking you through all the steps as you do the work.

Thanks for being here today. We are so happy to be able to provide you with tools. We hope you will use them in the way that best serves you. We’ll see you in two weeks. If you enjoyed the show, please leave a review on whatever platform you listen on! Caio