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Aug. 2, 2023

E9: "Diving Into the Data of 4000+ Tech Markets" | Anand Sanwal, CB Insights


Erik Torenberg sits down with Anand Sanwal, CEO of CB Insights. CB Insights Over 900,000 people turn to CB Insights for the insights they share in their newsletter.

Erik Torenberg sits down with Anand Sanwal, CEO of CB Insights. Over 900,000 people turn to CB Insights for the insights they share in their newsletter. Riverside.fm is a presenting sponsor of Media Empires. Go to https://creators.riverside.fm/MediaEmpires + use code MEDIAEMPIRES for 20% off individual plans.

Media Empires is part of the Turpentine podcast network. To learn more: www.turpentine.co

In this conversation, Anand and Erik discuss data collection, scaling across different technology markets, media and data businesses, and more.


(00:00) Episode Preview

(02:00) What is CB Insights

(02:45) What CB Insights does

(03:30) The needs of the CB Insight customer

(07:00) Scaling to a thousand markets

(12:16) Evolution of CB Insights

(15:58) Which data is most helpful to collect?

(17:51) A dataset Anand would want to acquire

(19:45) Events and Community

(21:32) The Future of CB Insights

(23:15) Increasing density of coverage

(26:48) Perspective on past opportunities

(28:30) Litmus test for what is worth Focusing On

(30:08) Breadth of data front

(32:38) Private analyses

(34:25) Data business idea: startup-investor pitches

(38:16) Data business idea: Reference checks

(39:12) Online reputations

(42:20) Which media businesses should be data businesses?

(46:10) Scalable and programmatic ways of acquiring data

(48:50) If Anand was starting today

(49:44) Building a data business on top of a successful media company


CB Insights: https://www.cbinsights.com/


Anand's Twitter: https://twitter.com/asanwal

Anand's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anandsanwal?original_referer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F

Erik's Twitter: https://twitter.com/eriktorenberg