Nikhil Verma, MD, is a board-certified, fellowship-trained interventional spine and musculoskeletal physician. At his independent practice, Essential Sports and Spine Solutions, Dr. Verma provides comprehensive physical medicine, rehabilitation care, and interventional pain care to patients in Columbus and Marion, Ohio. Dr. Verma completed his undergraduate studies in the area at The Ohio State University before pursuing medical school. He completed his internship at Wayne State University – Crittenton Branch in Rochester Hills, Michigan, followed by his residency at Kingsbrook Jewish Rehab Institute in Brooklyn, New York. He then went to a North American Spine Society-recognized program – Alabama Orthopedics Spine and Sports in Birmingham, Alabama. Dr. Verma is passionate about interventional procedures, treating musculoskeletal injuries, rehabilitation physical therapy, ultrasound procedures, preventative exercise training, and regenerative medicine. Essential Sports and Spine Nikhil Verma Instagram Twitter YouTube - Things I Didn't Learn In Med School Wait But Why Blog - The Tail End