Freedom Broadcasters Livestream
Thursday, Dec 30, 2021
Guest: Kristi Leigh
Topic: Breaking The Chains of Corporate Controlled Media
Brief Bio:
Bio-Kristi Leigh is an award winning former news anchor. She’s worked in the news industry for about 20 years, in TV news for 13 years, and as a main evening news anchor since 2015. Disgusted by the lack of journalistic integrity and propaganda pushing now present in mainstream news, Leigh decided to break the chains of corporate controlled media and independently embrace the freedom to do news the right way. A voice for the voiceless and holding those in power accountable!
What we Discussed:
- Kristi's broadcasting journey
- Censorship
- How the Press treated Trump during the Elections
- Fact Checkers
- Views on Project Veritas
- Sneaky Tricks of Social Media Platforms
- Corruption in Schools pushing Sex books for children
- Ghislaine Maxwell case
- Divide and Rule
- Jimmy Savile Pedo story
and more
Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA Time Start to 13 Min 37 Secs
Podcast: Quantum Nurse
Roy Coughlan
Podcast: AWAKENING Time 13 Min 37 Secs to 39 Min 13 Secs